A heartfelt and heartwarming read. I’ve always said the two equally terrible fates are to be forced to have children you don’t want and to not be able to have children when you do. Here’s to some role models, whether they are younger or older than us!

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Thank you Michelle! It was a fascinating call for sure. Our next one is in March 2023 on the topic of 'Caring for the Caregiver'. It is so often the case in families that childless daughters are expected to do all the caring for parents, when/if they need it, and are expected to do so without complaint or support, even if it means that they lose their income, health and any social life. Which considering there will be no children around for them as they age, to care or pay for their care, is something that we really need to start talking about...

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Thanks for the shoutout, Jody! :) I was initially on the call but then got called away. (I was visiting my parents for the holidays, and my time is never entirely my own while I'm there...!) So I'm very grateful for the video replays & the transcript! :)

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I look forward to having a listen. Love your fireside chats 😊

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Thanks Vicki - it's a really rich one this (aren't they all!) x

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