Exploring the adventure of elderhood without motherhood…

With Jody Day, psychotherapist, and ‘founder of the childless movement’ at Gateway Women, and author of Living the Life Unexpected: How to Find Hope, Meaning and a Fulfilling Future Without Children.

Recently sixty myself, I write about the shame associated with ageing in a female body, rooting out internalized ageism, confronting the terrifying ‘Who’s going to take care of me when I’m old?’ issue, building local communities of care, developing intergenerational relationships, challenging the ‘default caregiver’ narrative and much more…

Because how do we age well together in a time of civilizational collapse?

Why subscribe?

You’ll get an email when I post a new essay or interview on my Substack, and when registration opens for one of my free Fireside Wisdom with Childless Elderwomen webinars. All my content is currently free to access.

So why choose a paid subscription?

I believe the work I’m doing (here and elsewhere; all unpaid) is changing the narrative (and will change the practice) of how we organise and live out our old age, whether we’re non-parents or parents.

Everyone currently gets free access to everything I write and, in the near future, paid subscribers will be first to know of events & offerings I’ll be creating exclusively for them.

Your financial support helps me with my research costs (my book bill alone makes my accountant weep), and the costs of running the Fireside Wisdom webinars, which each cost me a couple of hundred dollars/pounds, without factoring in any of my/our time.

If in the future, should you need a paid subscription to access events/offerings but can’t afford it, message me and I’ll give it to you free. Because ageing without children is a structural issue too, and what we’re doing here is way more important than capitalism…

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Find me online…

You can find me on ‘Notes’ (Substack’s own social media) as @JodyDay here.

I also host the private Childless Elderwomen subgroup in the Childless Collective Community (where reduced/donation memberships are available if that suits your circumstances better).

You’ll find links to all the rest of my work, including my book Living the Life Unexpected: How to Find Hope, Meaning & a Fulfilling Future Without Children on my Gateway Women website or via my Linktree.

Subscribe to Gateway Elderwomen

Shaping the narrative for elderhood without motherhood.


Author, psychotherapist, feminist, TEDx-er & founder of Gateway Women. Making a big noise about life as non-mother in a pronatalist world since 2011. Now with added anti-ageism fuel. Sane cat lady.